Bonnie_Barstow Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Estatus: Profile is strictly for Rp. Is still a (W.I.P.). Non fighter. Will not be adding Rl profiles.) - -🔧Dr. Bonnie Barstow🔧- - ( Ooc - Ugh..Today I am feeling under the weather..) 😔
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Roman_Shadowclaw Hope you get well soon bonnie - hace 1 hora
Jade_VinRouge Brings u a bouquet of flowers.. feel better soon beautiful 🌹 - Hace 3 horas
KITT_ ((Oh dear..Feel better soon, Bonnie. Try & get some rest, & don't forget to try & eat & drink something.)) 🌹 - Hace 4 horas
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