Angelina_Jolie23 Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Sexo: Mujer
Descripción: Best of my personality ❤
Estado civil: Soltero/a
Origen Étnico: Nativo Americano
Altura: 6'1"/185 cm
Tipo de Cuerpo: Delgado/a
Hábitos de Fumar: No fumador
Hábitos de Beber: No bebo
Educación: Escuela técnica
Trabajo: I stock broker and forex and binary trade except/ account manager with years of experience. I am set up with a broker and am a professional manage and handle accounts for them.
Salario: 20k-40k
Política: No interes
Intereses money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt.