sandvamp619 Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Sexo: Hombre
Ciudad: Never will smile*T.C. A.Z.C.*
Región: No where!
País: Philippines
Descripción: Survival of the fittest, if your strong, you live, if your weak, you die. The weak is only food to the strong, they are only made to make the strong stronger. I, cursed to live my life as a vampire and must be the strongest *vampires*__________DEATH
Tipo de Cuerpo: Normal
Educación: Escuela técnica
Salario: 60k-80k
Intereses Everything has a reason like why the niGht waits for the day like a flower waiting to bloOm buT what am i waiting? Maybe the time of my dEath, my hearts keEpS trying to love to survive buT my fEeLINGs already dieD and cant never be revived<vampires>