Cherry6 Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Descripción: I'm kind of a lonely Woman never been married Relationships never work out for me because I end up getting played. Definitely not something I'm proud of, but true. I have a good heart but apparently I'm too trusting. Trust is a huge thing for me, and lyin
Estado civil: Soltero/a
Origen Étnico: Blanco/Caucásico
Altura: 5'6"/167 cm
Tipo de Cuerpo: Normal
Hábitos de Fumar: No fumador
Hábitos de Beber: No bebo
Educación: Postgrado
Trabajo: Oil&gas
Salario: > 100k
Religión: Creyente
Política: No interes
Intereses Cooking , Reading, Dance, Learning, Music, Fishing, Singing, Travel, cuddling outdoors etc