BBz_JERkkk Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Sexo: Mujer
Buscando: Hombre
Ciudad: 'KURANDA.kiddo)
País: Australia
Descripción: all i need is just one chance, one kiss, one night to show you what you me to MEEE ! '&&' one chance to spend the day with you.,'&&' to show you how were so alike; one kiss to prove were more than friends.,'&&' one night to hold you tight ;-(l)(l) x
Estado civil: Soltero/a
Tipo de Cuerpo: Delgado/a
Intereses Need To Get Ole Of This Shiit Of A Town, Ehts Sicking ! To Much Jelours Kunnt Around Ere ! I Wanna Fuuuck Off Cooktown Wea My Nana && Grandad, Missing Them HEAPS ! :(