Mina_Tepes Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Sexo: Mujer
País: Romania
Descripción: In child form she has crimson eyes long blond hair that she usually ties up in twin tails with 3,blk tailed, identical ribbons used as hair ties. she looks no older than 12 but she is actually over 400yrs old.(continued in true form photo)
Altura: Menos de 152 cm
Tipo de Cuerpo: Delgado/a
Hábitos de Fumar: No fumador
Hábitos de Beber: Socialmente
Trabajo: Is a Vampire Princess/Queen
Salario: > 100k
Religión: Ateo
Política: Lider de grupo
Intereses The Vampire Bund (character details are continued in random photos)