dead666666 Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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41, H Buscando H, Cairacos Malourne,aka "The Dead One",is a lichborne undead wyrm (Dracolich).He retained the ability to shift into a humanoid guise,however,it too had been corrupted by undeath.Standing 8'4" tall,with (Continued in More details), No definido
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Estatus: remember when we'd stay up late and we'd talk all night in a dark room lit by the tv lite for all the hard times in my life those nights kept me alive
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dead666666 . - 2020-09-23
Quinn__ You'd think people would shy away from buying and selling real estate but nooooo lol - 2020-09-22
Quinn__ Been beyond busy and stressed to be honest - 2020-09-22
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