Bonnie_Barstow Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Estatus: ( Profile is strictly for Rp. Is still a (W.I.P.). Non fighter. Will not be adding Rl profiles.) - -🔧Dr. Bonnie Barstow🔧- - (IRL problems have Not calmed down, may not be online much if at all for a while..)
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Jade_VinRouge (no worries beautiful I'm just checking on u) .. pouts as she wanted to press the button it was like an uncontrollable urge of curiosity.. oh come on I can't even press one ?? That's no fun 😞 - 2024-05-22
Bonnie_Barstow (Sorry for late response, irl has been hell and I was really tired yesterday.) - 2024-05-22
Bonnie_Barstow I design in here are dangerous.." She chided, before regaining her composure. "But, yeah. I may have a few things, but you can't play with them in here.." - 2024-05-22
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