Comentarios de bcinterior (10) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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arandy cen i see ur ck phone Fun call me please - 2014-06-20
Hershy2008 ok - 2014-02-11
TZVI2008 ok - 2013-12-17
TZVI2008 sure - 2013-03-24
TZVI2008 whu not - 2013-03-24
Eros6 Can we xchange gifts? - 2013-03-02
Eros6 Btw, thnx for addng me up. do u hav a pic? - 2013-03-02
Eros6 I cnt retriev my ppx anymore aftr i lost my phone. i dnt knw f ds s bec of d site or my acct was hackd! - 2013-03-02
bcinterior I have pic and show you when you accept me - 2013-03-02
funnygirl88 No pic no add sry sweety - 2013-03-02