Comentarios de Talon-_-DarkHart (59) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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MARISSAlIA94 Hello. Dropping to say hi :). - 2024-03-28
Jade_VinRouge Oh sweet dino eggs .. there gunna be a handful 😜 - 2024-03-28
Jade_VinRouge Uh oh not evil eggs :o - 2024-03-28
Demonpleasure23 Tf you talking bout? Lol - 2024-03-28
Talon-_-DarkHart Welp im covered in Rainbow glitter :s - 2024-03-28
Zero_GhostFace Pick up the rainbow glitter boms an throw it at her playfully - 2024-03-28
Talon-_-DarkHart Oh no someone is taking all my candy :s I know ill set a rainbow glitter bomb . Places a rainbow glitter bomb to catch the one stealing my candy :p - 2024-03-28
Zero_GhostFace Start stealing all her candy - 2024-03-28
Zero_GhostFace Start moving random iteams - 2024-03-28
Zero_GhostFace Gose ghost an start move stuff around - 2024-03-28
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