Comentarios de Whiteknigh1000 (5) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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H Buscando F, Dolton, Soltero/a
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GIA_DOLL awesomeness (m) and lol not to be mean but it sounds kind of funny getting hit by a bus :s - 2010-11-29
GIA_DOLL really? wow i hope u are ok! wow - 2010-11-29
GIA_DOLL heyyyy i have been great what about u? its been awhile. - 2010-11-29
Yhanickx14 .. Oh thank u ^_^ u hav a nice pics. 2 but u luk matured in ur ph0t0s it can't be n0ticed that ur onli 17 huh, nd u also hav a sexy b0dy - 2010-11-10
Loc666 Sexy pic - 2010-11-09