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Nods his head "yes I did. It was so good thank you." Looks around the kitchen that now sparkled "I see you added some life to this vanilla style kitchen" he laughs softly - Hace 19 minutos
the goodies I brought over - Hace 27 minutos
*sapphire hues sparkled though they was covered she moved mounting the steps that lead up to his porch, walking till feet landed upon the porch moving towards him* thank you love, I see you found C - Hace 27 minutos
Mid bite of a chocolate muffin hues catches turquoise fabric in corner of eyes turns to see Zahara "oooo you looking good love. Killing that dress" - Hace 29 minutos
*turquoise sundress shifting as she walked into his realm shades resting upon nose covering her sapphire hues a green popsicle in her r.hand eating the cooling treat* mi amor - Hace 42 minutos
💙 - hace 1 hora
Walks in inspecting the goodies reads the note "awe that was sweet of her.. hope she knows Jade ain't getting any of this" proceeds to eat the food before it gets cold - hace 1 hora
Hands catching the kitchen doorway breaking his fall seeing his kitchen been glittered almost got angry until hues spot steam from a container he smiles knowing who was behind it c/ - hace 1 hora
Waken from his slumber stumbles out of bed first checking the closet for any surprises seeing nothing changes his clothes before heading downstairs trips over a shoe c/ - hace 1 hora
. - Hace 3 horas
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