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Aliel- *Please read top to bottom. and leave comments in mypictures. Any comments left here will be deleted. Thank Youall in advance.* - 2013-11-21
Aliel- For 10,000 years the Ondoron family protected the secretsof the gods. Worshiping and protecting those who createdthem, and in turn they were grated untold power. And for10,000 years this - 2013-11-21
Aliel- Elven family lived at peace with their gods. Then one day agreat flood ripped through the forest they called home.Destroying their village and killing many of their people.Angry and Outraged - 2013-11-21
Aliel- the Ondoron family rebelled against their creators. KronosKing of the gods upon hearing of their treacherous planstraveled to the village knowing their powers were uselessagainst him killing - 2013-11-21
Aliel- them all. Entering the temple the elves had built in hishonor he searched for survivors.Insuring all were dead heentered the great hall. A gold spun bassinette setting uponthe alter and there she - 2013-11-21
Aliel- layed, the infant destined to be the Ondoron’s new highpriestess. Kronos raised His hand with the intent to kill. AsHe looked down upon her a thought occurred. She was thelast of her people. - 2013-11-21
Aliel- The last of this family he had created. She was pure,innocent and unlike any baby He had ever seen. His hand fellbut no longer with the,Intent to hurt her but to hold her.She would one day rebuild - 2013-11-21
Aliel- her family. He would teach her the ways of her formerpeople teaching her of their legacy. So he took her inraising her as His own bestowing upon her the name Aliel. - 2013-11-21
Aliel- *Aliel~ Meaning of the light.* At 2 years old Aliel was alittle blonde ball of sunshine. Sweeping strands of sun kissedsilk fell down her small back. Pools of sapphires highlightedangelic features - 2013-11-21
Aliel- Her abilities still developing she had perfected her healingpowers, and was learning to control the fire and lighteningshe had started conjuring. Learning and protected by herloving Father Kronos. - 2013-11-21