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Tempting_Bunny Cupid better keep away🤣 - Hace 10 horas
Tempting_Bunny Lord 2 love sick puppies on our hands! - Hace 10 horas
Jade_VinRouge Aunty Nini don't gag on it in here !) take that to his cb (6) - Hace 10 horas
Jade_VinRouge Oh u think that's bad u should see Daddie he singing thru out the house - Hace 10 horas
NishaFenix "Gross." *Makes gagging noises.* - Hace 10 horas
Tempting_Bunny Oh lord, Momma is so love sick that it's nauseating - Hace 10 horas
NishaFenix "Oh Ill get you one. He thinks hes gonna have an orgy on me. Yea he can try." - Hace 11 horas
Tempting_Bunny *she would cover her face as her blush deepens* staphhhhhh. But I wonder if I'd be all giddy when I find my special someone - Hace 14 horas
Tempting_Bunny Oh staph *she would blush deeply* this mate hunting is giving me a migraine though. Ugh so many - Hace 15 horas
WyntrFenix Leaves a note on his daughter's TV written in big bold letter that reads "I NEED THE 30MIL BACK. I KNOW YOU'RE DODGING ME" - Hace 15 horas
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