Comentarios de Thorn_Wylde (61) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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TTC_NANA As do I love as do I - 2024-06-21
Quinn__ I miss them Momma.. - 2024-06-21
TTC_NANA *slow steps carried her to stand behind her daughter resting both hands upon her shoulders* - 2024-06-21
Quinn__ My sweet son. You and your father left me far too soon *silent tears rolled down her cheeks as she sat by his grave* - 2024-06-21
TTC_NANA (u)(u) - 2024-06-21
Quinn__ Miss you🥺💔 still can't believe you are gone😞 - 2023-02-10
Canfeza *hearing the gunfire, her head whipped to see the little terror unload his gun into his father's back seeing he still resent his father* how in living hell you got here without me seeing you!? - 2021-11-13
Canfeza *she is unsure if the call went to voicemail or if he picked up as her phone got destroyed while waiting* - 2021-11-13
Canfeza *having dialed his number she would wait for him to pick up or it to go to voicemail* - 2021-11-13
Drizzts Yes...I'm still alive.. - 2021-04-17
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