Comentarios de Dark_Phycosis (145) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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I get rl relationships from here I really do. Sometimes friendships sometimes more. Again not judging. But why care about what other names are doing. Sure same typist different character. One char C - Hace 8 horas
I get rl relationships from here I really do. Sometimes friendships sometimes more. Again not judging. But why care about what other names are doing. Sure same typist different character. One char C - Hace 8 horas
but like unsaid u could careless if ur with a liar and ancheater and a manipulater its quite funny 😄 so as I said ima watch from afar u where warned xD - Hace 8 horas
Listen Larry's and Linda's of this site. Why on earth do we wanna brag or whine how ever you see it (not judging) about who licked who or who sucked who? Do we forget this land is make believe? Like C - Hace 8 horas
V you talk all this shiiit for someone who won’t step ic now scram your only seeking attention - Hace 8 horas
when you find out in its give it maybe a couple days maybe a week if ur lucky xD hahaha - Hace 8 horas
lol but hey I bet yakl don't last bc she has other accounts its not first time dude xD im not only one who knows about her bs and can tell u xD but undo u buddy xD in fact ima watch and enjoy the show - Hace 8 horas
V I guess your still the brain dead kid as always did you not read I could careless - Hace 8 horas
haha xD if u wanna believe her manipulation u go right ahead xD she lies 🤣 messages show otherwise I said I can back it up did u not read? XD I screenshot xD - Hace 8 horas
V awe looking for attention?? - Hace 8 horas
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