Comentarios de james_bluewolf (200) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Regalos: 60
Amigos: 382
H Buscando A (ambos), land of ice n snow
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MadisonDarkSoul *Leaves a big juicy steak and a fresh bowl of water* - Hace 7 días
Jade_VinRouge Pulls ur tail playfully.. mi blue 💙 - Hace 7 días
Moon_Dream *Moon hesitantly grooms James with one of those new flexible brushes that are supposed to glide through fur* - 2024-04-18
BlkRoseKatt C)sêx talk.. I like to play hang out like I do with you blue.. you are the best... - 2024-03-01
BlkRoseKatt I hate it when people think that it's ok to immediately jump straight into sexual talk... They think I am angry because I was jealous.. no it's has nothing to do with it... It is I am not all about(c - 2024-03-01
BlkRoseKatt (wf) - 2024-03-01
james_bluewolf Ponders if they mean in a good or bad way - 2024-01-31
Mougi_Nightmare1 Yeah, it is a familiar face 🤔 - 2024-01-31
Duplexity_ Now there's a familiar face! Hope you are well - 2024-01-27
Moon_Dream Hide me from the private profiles! 👀 *Attempts to hide behind James blue furry body* Are they gone yet?? 😮 - 2024-01-16
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