Comentarios de Tempting_Zahara (200) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Tempting_Bunny 💀 I just spat out my water 🤣 - Hace 53 minutos
Tempting_Bunny Someone REALLY wanna be you Momma🤣 - hace 1 hora
Jade_VinRouge (m) - Hace 4 horas
Jade_VinRouge Hara ur celebrity status now u gotta clone (n) - Hace 4 horas
StormyDarkness Momma! 💗💗💗💗 - Hace 22 horas
KingChaosDragon Flys overhead in a ww1 biplane my scarf flailing in the wind as I peer through my flying goggles as I fly around and wave at you. - Hace 22 horas
Jade_VinRouge 👇💯 thank you 💚 - Ayer
UItraviolent You’re overgeneralizing your experience. Just because you had a bad time somewhere once doesn't mean that all roleplay communities are bad or toxic. I'd suggest some CBT therapy to help you. - Ayer
UItraviolent Not everyone who roleplays on this site is some weird, emotionally damaged individual. Some of us like D&D and Warhammer and can write well. If that's not for you, then leave. No one cares. - Ayer
UItraviolent Some of us are here because we’re writers. Like that, my literal profession and it started because I roleplayed on this site. It honed my writing skills to a point I could make it a 6 figure career. - Ayer
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