Comentarios de KingChaosDragon (179) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Belinda_Deathles Walks in leaving him a note on his pillow * I Miss you my love 💓 *(l) - Hace 2 horas
KingChaosDragon :) - Hace 8 horas
Indigo-Vanima Hmm.. I do like scrambled eggs * she thought for a moment* okay you have a deal * she held her hand out for a shake* - Hace 8 horas
Indigo-Vanima So whatcha got for breakfast? I'll have some coffee and donut just like the grown ups - Hace 8 horas
KingChaosDragon :) - Hace 8 horas
Indigo-Vanima * she scampers in and hug his leg happy he was up she flash a cheesy but cute grin* Good morning Baa :d - Hace 8 horas
Indigo-Vanima I'm gunna have to draw her later we having a pj party with Scooby Doo it's funny - Hace 2 días
Indigo-Vanima Oh and Ted he loves big hugs oh oh and scalely he's a dragon too just like you oh and I even drew you dragon man we are having a tea party and your long tail oh no I forgot my bestie petal *pouts* - Hace 2 días
KingChaosDragon (L) - Hace 2 días
Indigo-Vanima And monkey he gets in trouble sometimes and blue he has the softest fur and oh oh fluffy he likes PB and jelly Sammies and pearl she is the best swimmer and rootina oh she can grow pretty flowers c) - Hace 2 días
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