Comentarios de Ron_Graves (52) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
Regalos: 5
Amigos: 317
H Buscando F, San Francisco, Soltero/a
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Ron_Graves Hmm yes it is bro - 2023-03-10
KingBlackDragon I'm seeing the same thing bro it's ridiculous. - 2023-03-10
MadisonDarkSoul Since u obviously have some sort of issue with people who roleplay why don't u get lost and stay off my friends page. Tired of seeing ur gibberish in my feeds every time I log on. 🙄 - 2023-02-28
MadisonDarkSoul Maybe if u had some common sense u would've known this was a roleplay profile. - 2023-02-28
MadisonDarkSoul I don't know what rock you've been living under but people have been roleplaying on this site for many years. 🙄 - 2023-02-28
NVY That's exactly the problem, it's being used for wat it was NOT intended to B, yea jst a bunch of GARBAGE here now, reality LEFT, now watch the SUCC UPS comment, LMAOH:):D - 2023-02-28
NVY NOW they're ROLE PLAYING on here now, WTF is these ppl turning this site into, that's jst Y ALL the GD 1's R GONE?! :O:( - 2023-02-28
Cyrus_- O.o - 2023-02-25
NVY Ron, I'm losing interest, NOT feeling U anymore.. :(:( - 2023-02-23
Ron_Graves K you to - 2023-02-17
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