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StormyDarkness Heh that's right! We're going to be sisters soon huh!?! - Ayer
Jade_VinRouge Her eyes glossed over at such cuteness overload completely in love with big kitties but a white tiger being her absolute favorite 💚 ..oh beautiful creature ur always welcomed here - Ayer
twisted_tigeress +catching the scent of her owner she turned towards the female who appeared to like green, tilting her head she spoke using her mind+ Zafina said green was home - Ayer
twisted_tigeress +Twisted would pad into the females domains nose high in the air eyes shifting seeing her late lowered daughter paws falling silent as she began to purr padding towards Bunny+ - Ayer
Tempting_Bunny *stalks her soon to be sister seeing that Jade can see her peeking*(a) - Ayer
Trux_Fenix "yes happy dances" dances - Ayer
Trux_Fenix she chuckled and shook her head "yes dating and quite smitten thank you very much" - Ayer
Minato_Stargold Geeze, they was still doing that, that late xD omg - Ayer
Tempting_Bunny Carrots!? *her nose twitching wildly as she excitedly follows the trail of carrots munching on each happily* - Hace 2 días
Jade_VinRouge 3 post and... There off to the next lmao 😂 - Hace 2 días
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