Comentarios de MARISSAlIA94 (113) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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M Buscando F, Calgary, En una relación
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Thank you Anna. That's so sweet of you to truly say. Of course you have the same gift. I just wished we lived closer. - 2024-05-19
Marissa u have what it takes to have ppl love n care.about u remember u have a gift it's ur heart - 2024-05-19
Thanks you Anna. That really means so very much to me. - 2024-05-19
Ur so welcome n yes don't forget ur special too Marissa remember Sabrina n I are here for u n always will be - 2024-05-19
Thank you Anna. For everything for you being the sister that you are. You are special in everyway. Just like Sabrina. I love you both and miss you both very much. - 2024-05-19
Everything will be okay and all things will work out. One day at a time one step closer. Each day will being you joy. - 2024-05-19
Thanks sis I'm glad u found found someone too u deserve it hun hugs u loves I missed u - 2024-05-19
Sis why do u do that if they make u feel sad n stuff what is going through ur thoughts? U can call me or chat anytime k? - 2024-05-19
Awwwww Marissa hugs my sis it's ok ur gonna be fine I'm here so is Sabrina love u miss u can't wait to reunite again now my troubles done n solved - 2024-05-19
Yea it does get emotional sis I totally get u I wished my gf was with me because I feel like that's how my heart is even though she lives didstance from me I wanna go find her just like in the game - 2024-05-18
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