Comentarios de james_bluewolf (199) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Amigos: 383
H Buscando A (ambos), land of ice n snow
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Pandaemonium Can't have Gods @ status. Just inflated egos. We literally have a rule called god mode to prevent these behaviors, but since the council died out, the egos have run amok. - 2023-11-19
Superturtle ˙uo ƃuᴉoƃ ʎɔoᴉpᴉ ǝɥʇ llɐ ʇɐ ʞool oʇ ǝʌɐɥ uǝʌǝ ʇ,uop I 'sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉl lnɟǝɔɐǝd os s,ʇᴉ ʇnq - 2023-11-18
Icey_-_Queen Greetings my dear friend - 2023-11-18
Dark_HeartEd-lce Still at it Tanesu... How about u go crawl back to the sewers u crawled out of!! - 2023-11-11
james_bluewolf Heheh if only somone had told that to your mum...mayhaps you'd have come out alittle better functioning. - 2023-11-11
Jade_VinRouge S'mores 😁 - 2023-11-08
Superturtle *Leaves graham crackers and chocolate bars to go with the marshmallows* - 2023-11-08
Jade_VinRouge U r loved mi blue 💙💚 - 2023-11-07
Dude_ +sets up a lame little trap to try to catch him, tho it was poorly put to together and would probably fail- (6) - 2023-11-05
Jade_VinRouge Wolfie hope ur howling at the moon 🌚 - 2023-11-04
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