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-eyes turn ice blue as the ice begins to cover my whole body reforming as a light layer of ice armour shielding my Wolfe body as I grins and runs into Fenix kitchen and opens fridge for another pack o - Hace 4 horas
Turns to Zahara "what should his punishment be love?" - Hace 4 horas
Nods at his answer "lick all you want (pause lol) but that ice isn't going anywhere.. so admitting to the crime results in a punishment - Hace 4 horas
also bacon better when u ninja it :0 - Hace 4 horas
-munchies away the bacon and swallows the bacon as I then says after finishing it off in 2 bites- its hickory smoked delicious bacon is yummy -starts licking the ice on my paws- - Hace 4 horas
Unfreezes Wolfie except his legs and stares at him "now the charges against you are massive.. tell me why you stole the bacon?" - Hace 4 horas
thru the frozen wolf- - Hace 4 horas
-just stsres mouth now frozen over the bacon bacon still in my mouth as I think to my frozen self still victory tasting the delicious bacon in my frozen mouth- -sounds of bacon pleasure can be heard - Hace 4 horas
Brings the frozen wolf back placing him next to a steel light pole ties a robe around his feozen neck - Hace 5 horas
*smiles as hands rested upon her chest watching Wyntr* ohhh my hero - Hace 5 horas
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