Comentarios de Benevolency (5) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Helena_Cross Yay n_n - 2024-06-19
Sufferance I really want to bring my NYN characters over here now. - 2024-06-18
TigerLilly that comment is so valid. (l) never chase people. - 2024-06-18
Benevolency Ooc - if you're too proud to reach out? That's on you... I made myself available... I'm kind of done chasing after people to talk to me. 27 friends? That is just fine by me. - 2024-06-18
Benevolency The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances... If there is ANY reaction, both are transformed. ~C.G. Jung~ - 2024-06-16