Comentarios de BanquarCarina (6) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Eliah83 Can we chat? - 2014-07-11
Thosa Ashley, I've been reading what u have written again 'n again... Can u tell me again to one 'n only me? Pls, may be u're the one I can trust. or jst say nothing if that's not realy something u feel - 2013-11-22
Thosa Ashley, I've been reading what u have written again 'n again... Can u tell me again to one 'n only me? Pls, may be u're the one I can trust. or jst say nothing if that's not realy something u feel - 2013-11-22
Thosa Hai, Im Phiwe, and Im happy to u. How 'r u anyway? - 2013-11-10
Brooklyn39 i like u - 2013-11-09
bichito4u hi princess - 2013-11-08