Comentarios de kvshi (6) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Mr_Stiff1 Airg knows you are a fake & a fraud & they are prosecuting you and sending u to jail - 2022-08-29
Mr_Stiff1 kvshi my a$$. Its another stupid a$$ nigerian boot lip posing as a woman and using copied pic from internet and calling himself kvshi. Thats cyber fraud cyber scamming cyber stalking which are felonie - 2022-08-29
Mr_Stiff1 BEWARE - 2022-08-29
Southeastdc Beware - 2022-08-29
doc659 Thanks, but no thanks - 2022-08-25
proweld I have children older than you. Maybe you should stop using internet pictures also - 2022-08-22