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Jade_VinRouge Damn! Skitters!!! Zap zap mfrs !! - Hace 7 horas
Tempting_Zahara Hey Zahara.. yeah Zahara.. did you know vampires are actually real? No their not... Yes they are they're just called mosquitoes now... - Hace 7 horas
Tempting_Zahara ((Typist apologizes keep setting phone done and forgetting what I'm doing 🤣😂)) - Hace 12 horas
Tempting_Bunny *her grin grew larger at her mother blowing a raspberry which caused her to burst out in laughter* now we even Momma! - Hace 12 horas
Tempting_Zahara 💜💕 - Hace 12 horas
Tempting_Bunny *she would giggles, grin growing on coral pout* see exhibit A, you NEVER blush like a little schoolgirl Momma! You became a love sick puppy - Hace 12 horas
Tempting_Bunny I swore you must have been sick Momma, even made my homemade chicken noodle soup but you don't have a fever. You been walking around like you been hit by a cupids arrow. My Momma is beyond smitten! - Hace 13 horas
Tempting_Bunny *she would enter her mother's domain, walking right up to her mother, raising her right hand, placing the back of her hand against her forehead* hmm no fever. Well damn this is a first! - Hace 13 horas
WyntrFenix 💜💙 - Hace 15 horas
StormyDarkness -she peeks in with a bright smile, thinking how adorable her Momma and her new boo were together- You two are seriously to cute - Hace 16 horas
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