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Tempting_Zahara I am not sure tis been recorded if it had though dear - Hace 7 horas
Tempting_Zahara *smiles pulling at corners of pout as she seen Jade* wait is that my cereal?? - Hace 7 horas
Tempting_Bunny ..mated your father. I have brought gifts for you and your father. Hopefully we may get to know each other better - Hace 7 horas
Tempting_Bunny *she would shyly entertain the unknown female's domain, a basket of her prized orchid along with baked goods and peers to the female and clears her throat* Hi, I'm Bunny and I understand my mother is - Hace 7 horas
TinyNinja Mes wils be otays tank jus 🫂 - Hace 10 horas
Tempting_Zahara *Zahara made her way into Jade's realm carrying a basket of goodies spying Jade she would smile* evening sweet girl - Hace 20 horas
Jade_VinRouge ⬇️⬇️ how about we not and say that we did ⬇️⬇️ - Hace 20 horas
Dark_Phycosis “He would enter the realm wrapping his arms around the his woman “ we need to talk Shane and vanny isn’t doing to well because Shane feels betrayed - Ayer
WyntrFenix My apologies didn't think things would blow up to this extreme. - Ayer
Freedom_Bisping (f) it will be okay jade (l) - Hace 2 días
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