Comentarios de Monkey_Lord (135) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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The_Dark_Tempest The banana stock is in the green house, help your self n.n - Hace 4 horas
Monkey_Lord Viciously eats the bananas like a tasmanian devil making growling as he ate - Ayer
Monkey_Lord Facial expression changed when the little girl brought the bananas πŸ’ OHH you playing dirty.. that's not fairπŸ’ breaks his gaze from Jade to go devour the fresh batch of bananas - Ayer
Indigo-Vanima Delivers her bundle of bananas 🍌😁 - Ayer
Monkey_Lord Gives her a smoldering look followed with one raised eyebrow along with a evil smirk as he thought of something devious to do to win - Ayer
Jade_VinRouge She continued to stare not the slightest intimidated eyes narrowed and brow downed she shook her head no glare still like a dart right at his forehead - Ayer
Monkey_Lord Flares nostrils and beats his tiny just like a gorilla not breaking eye contact. :@ you will lose this game - Ayer
Jade_VinRouge She raised a brow then continued to stare eyes peering thru him almost as she stood in place - Ayer
Monkey_Lord Returns the mean mug back accepting the stare down challenge. πŸ’OH YOU GOIN DOWN GREEN BEANπŸ’ - Ayer
Jade_VinRouge Yeah!! You !!... She continued to point - Ayer
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