Comentarios de Dark_Phycosis (161) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Zahara ain't you the chick with the large clîtorîs? Or was it Heather? - Hace 11 horas
Trying to be captain save a hooe when no hooe needs saving take offence if you want again DONT CARE. - Hace 13 horas
Silver if he is the one delusional why are you still harping about it? Let it go my guy. Fawk delete if you want get mad IDC. STFU about her and him move on my guy. Let karma do her thing stop C - Hace 13 horas
Yet you’ve been blowing up my mail crying an whining - Hace 14 horas
the one here delusional is you but its cool keep ur nasty gf away from me and take care u both belong together lol - Hace 14 horas
Lmfao u got that backwards bud xD shes one who keeps trying g to add me from diffrent accounts with excuses claiming shes with u for cover and trying to get to to believe her bs but u believe what u - Hace 14 horas
Leave you alone? Are you delulu? You’re the one who is coming at us? Why because she left you irp? Lmao imagine what happened to your rl girl that you were bragging about? - Hace 14 horas
and ur a liar too and manipulative xD but everyone knows that so nice lie stop sending me request your nasty and unfaithful leave me alone xD - Hace 14 horas
Someone seems pressed for what? Nobody is playing into his bs? - Hace 14 horas
Babe has my pros added mfr.. I haven't been on them so take ur lies, wrap tgem in bacon n shove them up yo arse - Hace 14 horas
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