Comentarios de whispersinwind (55) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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H Buscando F, Hidden in his sleeves.Ancient, Soltero/a
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Helena_Cross " I mean you kinda accidentally helped the prison world happen but I forgave you and yes secrets happen I'm to old and crankyfor people in my space" - 2024-05-24
UItraviolent Of course, it is. Fate is the most twisted of the Gods. It delights in tangling mortal threads and causing misery. She had been so strong for so long. She deserves the rest. - 2024-05-24
UItraviolent She cared for each and every one of us and you know how giving and selfless she was. She would have hurt to have lost any of us. Just as we are hurting to have lost her. - 2024-05-24
UItraviolent It shouldn’t have been you first. She wouldn’t have wanted that. - 2024-05-24
Helena_Cross ~she gently patted the old man's back~ "Well ggpa that is the beauty of disappearing only a few people are allowed to know so Noone can find it" - 2024-05-24
Helena_Cross "Not my lab my hiding spot where I live far away from people dad helped me make it after the stupid prison world fiasco" - 2024-05-24
Helena_Cross "Well enjoy the cranky terror while you can because I'm locking up my dimension I prefer my solitude after everything" - 2024-05-24
whispersinwind , - 2024-05-24
Helena_Cross ~grumbles hugging him tight~ " I was raised by a cranky old crow expect me to not be moody" - 2024-05-24
Helena_Cross ~she simply pushed herself off the wall to give the old man a tired hug~ "I'll behave I'm just moody today" - 2024-05-24
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