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WyntrFenix Takes her hand doing a silly dance with his legs while being escorted inside "ayyy ayyy ayyy. Zahara and ice cream ayyy ayyy" stumbles - Hace 4 minutos
Tempting_Zahara inside and with some water love I do believe you're tipsy if not completely drunk - Hace 18 minutos
Tempting_Zahara *hands clapping her own cheeks as she awwed in wonder* oh mi amor *slips out from the door frame pressing a soft kiss upon his lips tasting the adult beverage still lingering behind* let's get you C - Hace 18 minutos
WyntrFenix Slowly turns in a circle "surprise.. it's me" he smiles cheeks rosey from all the drinks he had at Hunden Inn - Hace 22 minutos
Tempting_Zahara *smiling as she listened* if he was here id kiss him right now - Hace 25 minutos
WyntrFenix Pulls out a card reading it out loud "I was paid to read this.. Dear Zahara from Wyntr.. You are Soo beautiful.. to meeeee can't you seeeeeeee.. love Wyntr" - Hace 38 minutos
Tempting_Zahara *giggling softly smiling playing along* I am Zahara - Hace 47 minutos
WyntrFenix He smiled "hello is Zahara home. I have a delivery for her" he stood there with a big grin upon his features - Hace 49 minutos
Tempting_Zahara *hearing a knock standing slowly from the sofa she laid her book down as she walked towards the door, upon reaching she had opened with a smile* hello love - Hace 54 minutos
WyntrFenix Arrives at Zahara home holding 2 gallon buckets of ice cream knocking on the front door whistling as he waited - Hace 57 minutos
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