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Shane_Saladin Ju no like Mes? - Hace 19 horas
MidnightStorm have you played the Final Shape yet? Sh|t is epic - Hace 2 días
MidnightStorm People really pressing their luck trying her e.e she snaps, she snaps. - Hace 3 días
Shane_Saladin “Shane would look over at minato” ju go have fun in the in me will handle this person - Hace 3 días
Zynoa_Stargold For your info. Minato Just got back ol from being sick. how many times do you have to be told that? - Hace 3 días
Minato_Stargold I've not mouthed off, but I can and will if you keep coming here and talking shìt to me for no reason. n_n Perhaps I'll just omgo on a spree and hunt down all of your names 🙃 TRY ME - Hace 3 días
Silverwolf_ stuff why not go learn about dnd u would hve more fun - Hace 3 días
Silverwolf_ Please leave Minato alone and take the drama elsewhere no one can destory something that's been around for ages nor did anyone in our lifetime create rp so instead of ruffling ur feathers over silly - Hace 3 días
Shane_Saladin “Shane would emerge from the shadows” Lette me only gonna tell ju dis once weave me fwiend alone and if ju would like I’ll take her place and fight ju… - Hace 3 días
Lette_-Blue Been told to back off you. We are here to destroy that fh who has sworn to destroy all rp. So lay off with the mouthing off before It gets out of hand - Hace 3 días
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