Comentarios de Tempting_Zahara (200) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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"You two I swear" Rushes to the bathroom to wash his face frantically scrubbing to avail "What the... WHY IS IT NOT COMING OFF?" - Hace 8 minutos
*busting out laughing she fell to the floor* Mi Amor Jade told me no to helping and I wanted to see how much of a pretty lady you would of made 😂🤣 - Hace 12 minutos
Releases her hand slowly turning around "ok? I normally don't ha.." words halted catching his reflection in the mirror in shock swiftly turns back facing her "YOU!!! that's why you laughed" - Hace 17 minutos
*her l.hand reached for his left as she smiled, she pointed to a mirror behind him upon the wall* wanna fix your hair before we go love? - Hace 24 minutos
Cheesy grins "you wanna take me out. I'm down for whatever love" r.hand drops down reaches for hers "your so good to me.. you know that?" - Hace 26 minutos
That you are Mi Amor though I wonder if I should take you to a club or out for a nice dinner date 🌹 - Hace 32 minutos
Head slightly tilted "ravishing??" Hues carefully watches her movements as she steps closer facial features relaxed as a smile formed "I am quite dashing aren't I?" He playfully said - Hace 34 minutos
*shaking her head giggling* no Mi Amor you just look ravishing right now *slow strides carried her closer* who ever kidnapped you I'm glad brought you here though - Hace 41 minutos
Caught her giggle his confusion vanished squinting hues locked on her "what was that huh? You had me kidnapped?" He asked determined to get a answer - hace 1 hora
Mi Amor I think they *a giggle slipped past painted petals* I think they did - hace 1 hora
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