Comentarios de phone-phun (24) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Teresa801 Sorry I don't add ppl with out a face but thanks for the compliment - 2019-11-06
ChaparritaSolter add...who you hiding from? Mafia? FBI? Bad boys coming 4 you? Or is it your baby mama? Lmao - 2019-09-27
Badfishy22 I know what you look like. 👀 - 2018-11-03
Honey647f miorn:) hv grt8 day swty:) - 2013-11-06
Honey647f morn:) hv grt8 wknd (sx) - 2013-10-26
looking2care31 Hey. - 2013-10-21
Zoozooo CAN U LOOK AT ME! - 2013-09-21
josy200 Aseptame - 2013-06-29
Babeegurllznaz If its cuz you have a stalker wth is your stalker guna do to u on here? you show the back of your head like thats guna detur ur stalker. like u cant block a bich. ive blocked men. nm im js. lmao - 2013-05-16
ionlywantu SRRY, NOT ACCEPTING ...HAVE A BLESSED DAT - 2013-05-16
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