Comentarios de Zimabu-Eter (75) Entrar | Regístrate GRATIS
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Divine-Sparky Hmm you may be on to something there o_o - 2019-02-09
Unit_General yep yep u.u tee punk u.u - 2019-02-09
Divine-Sparky Doctor Daskin auto stole DNA of Unit Captain from General's comments - 2019-02-09
Unit_General some dr daskickis somthing name he trying to steal unit from me in alvon - 2019-02-09
Unit_General ause none of my bros around to kill those ppl u.u sighs - 2019-02-09
Unit_General np np thats why i never get many ppl in my clans only just a lucky few cause ppl try to steal my clans when i make cory kill off his sn but he not leader of unit i am u.u so it gets on my nevres u.u - 2019-02-09
Zimabu-Eter .. - 2019-02-09
Unit_General plus cory on 6 other unit names and one a girl name cause he my girlfriend on my guy name - 2019-02-09
Unit_General yea he on unit lawyer sn - 2019-02-09
Unit_General which around cause i only want sean u.u - 2019-02-09
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