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Neville_- *he watched her run away* u.u - Hace 10 horas
Neville_- Gotta have something to do while I'm bored e.e - Hace 10 horas
Jade_VinRouge Gets carried away caveman style n growls softly blushing as she waves fingertips.. toodles red ♥️ - Ayer
Tahari -sneaks in while jade and her are asleep and picks jade up throwing her over my shoulder and running off- jade is mine!! - Ayer
Tempting_Bunny *she pounces teh sisseh and cuddles* - Ayer
Neville_- I'm half way to being one XD - Ayer
Tempting_Zahara I love you too Princess 💕 - Ayer
Dark_Phycosis No problem - Ayer
Neville_- Well the Joy's of being a slow & old man umu - Ayer
Tempting_Zahara You're My Princess of course not 💕 - Ayer
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