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*giggles as she watched the traffic jam* them growing babies papa - Hace 39 minutos
Stumbles back as Icy and Demon bulldozed they're way to eat their dinner he laughs watching them devour it "geez their like little vacuums on high settings" - Hace 40 minutos
belonged so they could drink before turning walking back towards the entrance* - Hace 56 minutos
Of course *moving she went to reach for their water bowl carrying it over to the sink turning on the cold water she would rinse the dish before adding water carefully moving it back to where it C - Hace 56 minutos
"yes love can you fill their water dishes" he grabs a special mixed blend of food for the pups filling their dish half full then placing it on the floor so they can eat - hace 1 hora
Want me to help love? *asking as she made her way into the kitchen with them* - hace 1 hora
Turns to look at Demon "yeah he probably did eat it all " enters the kitchen seeing the dishes empty of food and water - hace 1 hora
Unless Mr Chunky behind you ate it all *smiling as she spoke Icy running towards them following the trio as they made there way into the kitchen* - hace 1 hora
"not sure. I thought there was food in their dish" he stood making his way towards the kitchen as Demon followed behind - hace 1 hora
*laughing softly at the pair as they played, Icy releasing her toy barking towards the kitchen* love have they ate yet? - hace 1 hora
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