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Yeah just hot this weather ridiculous lol hru
<~~~ Me so sexy :]
reality-check51  101 H
Aww u ok Huggies😊
AllTheConfusion  39
How the hell you do that nise? Lol
NiseGotUTrippn  31 M
Not the floor model one the smaller one lol
NephewOfSika  99 H
Lol hell yeah **** would lay on the floor and watch TV 😅😅
AllTheConfusion  39
One of the knobs was always broke needed pliers change the channel:((
Reality huggies 🥺❤️
NiseGotUTrippn  31 M
Naz not da box tvs I dropped one of them on my stepsister head no lie :((
AllTheConfusion  39
That's the ones I'm talking about twon :((
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