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Schase  26 H
πŸ˜‘first I'm fuggin Yari now I can't pull her??? This basement dweller losin
BO-_-BO  100 H
Apologies apologies ✊🏻 my brothas
PolaivaoSika25  99 H
Brutha Banks what the deal is mane ✊🏽
Bihuthought2  55
Yari look 🀒 n chase couldn't keep the bih hahaaahaaaa
PolaivaoSika25  99 H
πŸ˜…uso. They be wanting the scoop on mfs fr. They lost anythang
BO-_-BO  100 H
Bihuthought2  55
U kno something wrong with u if u can't pull yari 🦍😭😭😭😭
Bihuthought2  55
U said yari was ya babymom in anotha life 😹😸😹😸 lame nicka
Schase  26 H
These Internet sleuths swear they know everything.
Schase  26 H
πŸ‘€I speak to Yari offline clown but not no husband n wife ish. She gotaman
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