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in Most States Sixteen is Age of consent u GoofyBitch,goggle it jeez
MotorRolla  H
Even if it is. Tf make u look at a child and wanna fugk her. Sick nigger
Zemo18  42 H
lol 😅😆
MotorRolla  H
Then yo weird zzs turnt around and said 16 is the age of consent. Stfu
MotorRolla  H
U rhaping her gawtdamn daughter over some long john silvers mf 😭😭😭
stand, a 14Yo CAN NOT CONSENT toSx w/aGrown Man.F a DateNigger,datsRxpe.
against da law for a Man to fwa minor uIjiot, what f'n part u DON'T under
MotorRolla  H
He said her mom was cool with it but I know the mom wasn't cool with
Zemo18  42 H
the nurse found dawg stolen from her phone and made it go to sleep
Crazycenobite  48 M
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