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Swiftaliscious  50 H
I liked his daughter lisa marie 😍
Caught in a trap lmaoooo can't walk out... cause I love u THANKYA VERY MUCH
M lol
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
Elvis not elbows lol but elbows a good band
Ch33kY_Ch4ppY_IV  28 H
Elbows singing without music is th funniest vid ul ever c lol YT it
WeeweeBen  84 H
I never do multi day bets. I should probably start though. 🤣
I do like Elvis tho lmao take the world away🤣
robert42m  56 H
I know she’s not talking about Michael Jackson🤦‍♂️
robert42m  56 H
Groceries😂. My phone is picking up the TV.
Swiftaliscious  50 H
Lol teacher voice
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