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MotorRolla  H
My bm will never ever ever ever be able to talk bad about me 💯😅😅😅
dk holster
Crazycenobite  48 M
Nigger NOBODY GAF about YoDeadFagAzUncle STFU fo IBitchSlap da taste owt yo
MotorRolla  H
She crying to u now rob 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭u got in her head bad
He’s a monster ..& him not being in stanka life is probably for da best
You would of did better having a baby with dawg
Crazycenobite  48 M
pieklo nie
MotorRolla  H
Who gives af about yo long zzs bs stories. Bij get a diary 😅😅
Husband and he showed up at my door & forced hisself on me &recorded me-
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