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Copy-my_name  50
Your a retard stuck at 15 is y only ya kids dad can babysit u Kristin
TheInfamousTGUNN  93 H
I just saw that Amie all time record I think
But Trump said there's no such thing as global warming
Copy-my_name  50
U have no reason to bother any man Kristin none ..
The locals complain. The weather isn't so harsh in durban. Google the temp
TheInfamousTGUNN  93 H
Lmmfao I know the formulas bot ways Chill but I Googled it๐Ÿ˜„
MissFox  47 M
This year Arizona was over 100° for over 100 days
Europeans don't have ac like in america
23 is perfect but 8° at night is cold. It's like 11° here in mid winter and
TheInfamousTGUNN  93 H
Of the US was way hotter even into New Hampshire and Maine
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