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The_Chef  23 H
👈granpa phuga
Vincent_Cerdan  47 H
U don't like broccoli
SantaRai  36
Lol " I'm loyal Coz I have God in my life"
He said jerk chili Thai lol
yarilyn222  37 M
Now I want wings 😭
The_Chef  23 H
👈boiz in****d rejwct u yari is why u phug dey granpa?
Vincent_Cerdan  47 H
They were delicious, packing the rest 4 lunch tomorrow
SantaRai  36
Milli is his mistress according to robmantasia 😭🤣😂
WellDisIsAwkward  M
Naah it’s more than just trolling and you can see it when you read posts.😩
Sevnomenon  101 H
Thy'll seek attention until thy get it
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