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Super-Rickey  49 H
Well she's girly .
I heard ur voice on voice text rg lol
Valentino-messin  32 H
It's not my intention if my race or ethnicity bothers you Nina
You stalking me bother me punk I don't like u end of story
Super-Rickey  49 H
Well as God as my witness I try n just have fun in here.
Your presence doesn't bother me u not good looking
Valentino-messin  32 H
Kristin voice is cool I like it she sounds very girly..
madd_maxx  66 M
Right my daughter was text let me know was going on
Valentino-messin  32 H
If my presence bothers you Nina then leave you have no authority over me
Super-Rickey  49 H
Laughs at my accent
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