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The_Chef  23 H
Thuganomics103  37 H
Kev don't get no pc that's why
The_Chef  23 H
No new words yall dummies i treat yall as such lol yari
I can’t wait to run into tink
yarilyn222  37 M
Why is Kevin obsessed with my man 😭
Sevnomenon  101 H
U gon' hv2 cut 22 yards 2 make tht $900 bk
Thuganomics103  37 H
Neff drew a heart for tink ND got rejected
The short hand version of a ditto
The_Chef  23 H
Lmao h2 👊 dats ma mong boi
yarilyn222  37 M
Damn Kevin get new words you just copy and recycling other ppl jokes
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