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Oudit  49 H
Why do you girldits watch BoysDogsCats
BiC8723  41 H
And I take meds so I'm doing alright with meds
Oudit  49 H
Why do girldits call Tyrones Dogs Cats
BiC8723  41 H
Another new med I mean.
BiC8723  41 H
Hey my dr gave me this med I hated it I was flushing it out today
BiC8723  41 H
Vodka has sugar in it to it'll probably be worse than bourbon
BiC8723  41 H
I am very scared about injuring myself idk what to do
BiC8723  41 H
The alcohol stops the voices that's why I drink
You could injure yourself
BiC8723  41 H
Yes a lot of sugar I know
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