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Hot-Rated-Cowboy  54 H
Punk dile a gigs cual es el chile mas intelligente
Valentino-messin  32 H
No tickets no infractions no insurance no registration no nothing
Swiftaliscious  50 H
Chillz is the strangest chatter in history
Valentino-messin  32 H
In my country no cop can't pull you over for drinking a beer or loud music
MzEclectic  50 M
Covid isn't natural
Imagine paying for air
Swiff it was hilarious when u went into hiding cuz of all ppl TRAVELER
Gigglyfizzles  38 M
I'm convinced punkers lives in LA or something
Hot-Rated-Cowboy  54 H
Punk in ur country they pay the cops directly lol
They would charge for breathing if they could
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